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Brand Security

Protect your brand.

We offer support with MAP policy enforcement by providing violation prioritization, impact analysis, and strategic planning for the future.

  • Unauthorized seller and gray market strategy development

  • Evaluation of existing agreements and direction on internet authorization policy best practices

  • MAP policy and violation monitoring

  • Amazon Brand Registry support, catalog management, and guidance. 

Policy Violation and MAP Monitoring

We provide the insight you need and give you a roadmap to take action against MAP violations on Amazon, helping your performance and brand integrity across all retailers. 

Planning and Strategy

To ensure brand integrity, a brand protection strategy needs to be in place. We advise and create plans for our partners, regularly audit and identify gray market sellers, and help resolve any issues that occur. 

Brand Registry Management

We offer complete Amazon Brand Registry support, giving your brand even greater control of how you're represented on the Amazon marketplace. 

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